Текст песни Cado Belle - I Name This Ship Survival

Альбом Cado Belle, год выпуска: 1976
Вокал: Maggie Reilly. Музыка и слова: Colin Tully / Alasdair Robertson

I'm trying to look for somewhere quiet, just a place I could go
it seems there's nowhere left that's quiet, living peaceful and slow
everybody's selling some story, giving it to you in their own city style
rushing all around passing time for a while.

And as I'm walking through the city, I turn my face up to the sky
the clouds above are grey and smoky, oh the price we pay is high
isn't there a limit to all this, isn't there a silver lining left anywhere
no everybody took some, they wanted their share.

Windmills in the sun, I see them turning round and round
every living thing, and all of the waters of the world
looking for more room, how long now can they survive
and if I have to watch the ship come sailing
then I want to be on board when it sails by.

I wish that everybody gave out a helping hand to someone
that's the reason why the trees grow high, because they trust the sun
but as I look to the blue sea at daybreak, something's on the distant horizon going by
I see white sails in the pale morning light.

Windmills in the sun, I see them turning round and round
every living thing, and all of the waters of the world
looking for more room, looking for clean air to breathe
and as she goes I name this ship Survival
may she sail away on calm and peaceful seas.

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