Текст песни Cado Belle - Stone's Throw from Nowhere
Альбом Cado Belle, год выпуска: 1976
Вокал: Maggie Reilly. Музыка и слова: Colin Tully / Alasdair Robertson
I'm standing sideways to the sky, I've been looking to the wind
it seems to travel easy going solo.
What's the twinkling of an eye, or the touch of someone's hand
if you just can't get there on your own.
Said that you just had to leave then you turned on right around
you're stealing all my time like you steal my logic.
I can't say what I believe, cause I feel I've lost my ground
I can't trust in love, I can't believe in magic.
And I'm a stone's throw from nowhere
wrong side of despair
stone's throw from nowhere
(flying) stranded in mid-air.
I'm watching the sun hit the city again, lift my hand to shade my eyes
high on a bridge in the morning and I've been thinking.
I feel like a ship without a sail, like a cloud that's got no sky
can't say where I've been, can't say where I'm heading.
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