Текст песни Maggie Reilly - Tears in the Rain

Альбом Eshoes, год выпуска: 1992
Вокал: Maggie Reilly. Музыка и слова: Sabine Bundschu, Alex Grunwald, Reilly

Узнайте какие концерты вскоре пройдут в Киеве - афиша Киева. Будьте в курсе последних музыкальных новостей, событий, акций.

Away from home
alone again
this time my train is going
many miles away from you
I think there's something you should know
I think it's time I told you
there's something deep inside of me
there's someone else, I've got to be

Tears in the rain
we'll never be the same
what can we do now
baby we're thru now
we'll never meet again
Tears in the rain
we'll never be the same
nothing to do now
baby we're thru now
I won't see you again

Things go their way
it's hard to say
ooh so much time was wasted
just trying to make you see
so many people change their lives
trying to understand
there's something deep inside of me
there's someone else, I've got to be

Tears in the rain
we'll never be the same
what can we do now
baby we're thru now
we'll never meet again
tears in the rain
we'll never be the same
nothing to do now
baby we're thru now
I won't see you again

I think there's something you should know
I think it's time I told you
there's something deep inside of me
there's someone else, I've got to be

Tears in the rain
we'll never be the same
what can we do now
baby we're thru now
we'll never meet again
tears in the rain
we'll never be the same
nothing to do now
baby we're thru now
I won't see you again
Tears in the rain
we'll never be the same
what can we do now
baby we're thru now
we'll never meet again
tears in the rain

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